Tom Delonge : Conspiracy Addicted
Tom Delonge : Conspiracy Addicted
Nah, terus abis itu ada yang jawab pertanyaan salah satu Blinkers ini :
Freemasons operate under the assumption that there is a Creator but leaves it up to their members to fill in the rest for themselves.
Dia bilang, Tom pernah ngaku dalam sebuah interview bahwa dia (Tom, red) bukan seorang Christian. Lalu dia bilang, freemanson berada dibawah asumsi bahwa Sang Pencipta itu ada. Terus, dia pikir, Tom cuma tertarik sama freemanson. Lho, terus, kenapa Tom bilang kalo dia bukan seorang Kristen?
Lalu ada juga yang jawab gini :
Mungkin maksudnya, Tom itu kayak Matt Bellamy, nyadarin orang kalo illuminati itu beneran ada. Maybe.
Ada juga yang ngomong :
Kira-kira begitu translatenya.
Ini yang paling gue suka :
and you know tom, he heard of a secret society so he probabaly joined just so he could find out more about conspiraces and aliens :) haha"
Jadi, intinya menurut nih user, yang ngajak Tom itu David Kennedy (gitaris AVA) dan Tom setuju ikut cuma karena ia pengen menemukan lebih banyak soal konspirasi dan alien. Haha :D
Gapapa sih, tertarik sama alien walaupun udah bapak-bapak. Lebih baik daripada jadi seorang Manson.
Menurut ente-ente sekalian gimana? Setuju gak sama analisis gue ini? Kalo ada yang salah koreksi ya :D
Semuanya berawal dari pertanyaan seorang Blinkers di ini :
"ive notice that in a few blink boxcar racer and ava songs have stuff about it. like in all systems go he says "the goverment is lying" and in letters to god part 2 he saids "i found out the truth its all a big lie." but than in the other hand ava uses a lot of symbols that the masons use like the compass"Tau artinya nggak? Gak tau ya? Ah, yaudahlah. Cek google translate sana! *meringis*
Nah, terus abis itu ada yang jawab pertanyaan salah satu Blinkers ini :
"Tom recently said in an interview he isn't Christian.
Freemasons operate under the assumption that there is a Creator but leaves it up to their members to fill in the rest for themselves.
I think Tom is merely interested in freemasonry. He is anti-establishment."
Dia bilang, Tom pernah ngaku dalam sebuah interview bahwa dia (Tom, red) bukan seorang Christian. Lalu dia bilang, freemanson berada dibawah asumsi bahwa Sang Pencipta itu ada. Terus, dia pikir, Tom cuma tertarik sama freemanson. Lho, terus, kenapa Tom bilang kalo dia bukan seorang Kristen?
Lalu ada juga yang jawab gini :
"Tom is very interested in conspiracy theories and stuff, like aliens and illuminati, so i think he is just putting the symbol on items to make people look into it and spread an idea.""Tom tertarik banget sama teori konspirasi, kayak alien dan illuminati, jadi aku pikir Tom cuma menempatkan simbol-simbol itu buat bikin orang melihat lebih kedalam dan menyebarkan idenya"
Mungkin maksudnya, Tom itu kayak Matt Bellamy, nyadarin orang kalo illuminati itu beneran ada. Maybe.
Ada juga yang ngomong :
"i dont think he's a mason for the fact that in his songs he always talks about them and kind of saying how bad they are .. ""Aku pikir dia bukan seorang Mason. Faktanya, dalam lagu-lagunya, Tom selalu membicarakan them (Illuminati and Freemanson) dan berkata betapa buruknya mereka"
Kira-kira begitu translatenya.
Ini yang paling gue suka :
"he is hardly secretive about it, he has the freemason logo on all of his gutiars now, and on his amp as well,. the free mason logo is pretty much the smae as AVA's. and im pretty sure that david kennedy said that he was a freemason once on modlife, he said someting like 'yeah toms a mason, but we cant really talk about it to much'. its a little bit secretive but not much. if it was secretive he wouldnt make it that obvious that he aws pne or that he supports their values.
and you know tom, he heard of a secret society so he probabaly joined just so he could find out more about conspiraces and aliens :) haha"
Jadi, intinya menurut nih user, yang ngajak Tom itu David Kennedy (gitaris AVA) dan Tom setuju ikut cuma karena ia pengen menemukan lebih banyak soal konspirasi dan alien. Haha :D
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Tom Delonge, udah punya anak istri gini masih tertarik sama Alien? :D |
Gapapa sih, tertarik sama alien walaupun udah bapak-bapak. Lebih baik daripada jadi seorang Manson.
Menurut ente-ente sekalian gimana? Setuju gak sama analisis gue ini? Kalo ada yang salah koreksi ya :D
#nowplaying : Angels & Airwaves - Secret Crowds
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